I Hadn’t Experienced
Russian-born catsuit designer
- do they hold your hands and look intensely into your eyes
- little woogie-moogums
- the name of your equipment is also objectively cool
- made an actual hashtag with my fingers
Tune in next time part 664 Click Here for Earlier Installments
I hadn’t experienced anything like Dr Ferguson’s touch since my fling with a Russian-born catsuit designer named Orlova. What can we say of the world’s great lovers? When they’re with you on the set of a tawdry reality TV show, do they hold your hands and look intensely into your eyes? Sometimes. But sometimes one of their hands is busy elsewhere, and they can’t look into your eyes because of the pantyhose on your head, so they laugh and call you their little woogie-moogums, and that can be okay too. And they’ll do magical things to your equipment without even knowing your name, or its name, even when the name of your equipment is also objectively cool.
The voice in the ceiling said, “We can use this for a promo. To camera in three, two…”
Dr Ferguson darted behind me like a cat, hugging me and seizing my hands as she said “Hashtag Slimy Passions!” Too late I realized that she had made an actual hashtag with my fingers.
bonus points for using them in order