I Had Never Heard a More Convoluted Backstory
Just give cash.
- arterial spray across her cheek
- when her memory was fresh
- Transylvania homicide detective Regis
- put on his best clothes
Tune in next time part 157 Click Here for Earlier Installments
I had never heard a more convoluted backstory, or a more unnecessary one. The plan Heinrich and Svetlana had concocted was really quite simple. Ugly, but simple, like the pig that put on his best clothes to pass himself off as human in the old Harmonious cartoon, “Transylvania Homicide Detective Regis St Oink-Oink Goes to Washington.”
Svetlana got into an argument with the bartender over the size of our tab. I knew that even when her memory was fresh, Svetlana was not what anyone would consider a math whiz, but I also knew that this squabble would likely end with the bartender’s arterial spray across her cheek.
I turned to Heinrich. “Just give cash. We don’t want to leave a trail.”
Heinrich slapped a few bills on the bar. The bartender snatched them up, leaving Svetlana looking quite disappointed.
“Hop on,” Heinrich said, gesturing to the harness under his shirts.
This was the first step in the plan. The hell of it was he wasn’t talking to Svetlana.
bonus points for using them in reverse order
Regis St Oink-Oink needs a spin-off. He roots out crime.
His catch phrase: you’re in truffle now!
You’re supposed to love me.