I Froze, Waiting
pull the blinds and change their minds
- his hair is not his own
- with his back to the wall
- one strange similarity
- “I say no!”
Tune in next time part 242 Click Here for Earlier Installments
I froze, waiting for him to elaborate and keeping my hand on the seam in the curtains so I wouldn’t have to start that search over again. Father’s face floated peacefully above the swirling tangle of femininity engulfing the rest of him. He spoke clearly, if somewhat breathlessly.
“Those two were set on desertion, so your mother had to pull the blinds and change their minds. She went a little rough on them, which had permanent effects on the joker — his hair is not his own. Your mother gets carried away sometimes. She gave that joker such a fright, had him cornered with his back to the wall, and then the thief distracted her just long enough for them both to run back to their dormitory. They didn’t flee the Academy that night, but don’t you wonder why? Wouldn’t that encounter make them all the more anxious to get away? Yet they stayed, and their doings in the next few years had more than one strange similarity to sedition. So many mysterious acts of sabotage and disrespect, all officially unsolved but clearly their work. And, you were their companion, their confidant. It might seem odd that these old events still get dredged up, but they’re the key to everything that’s happened since. And to stopping what’s due to happen next. Don’t you agree that it’s time for us to work together?”
My hands had tightened into fists, and the curtain quaked in my grip.
“I say no!”
bonus points for using them in order