I Fought to Remain Conscious
referred to by the much cooler moniker
- dressing provocatively, singing provocative songs
- helium balloon with a rainbow
- pulled my hair really hard
- my vision is clear
Tune in next time part 607 Click Here for Earlier Installments
I fought to remain conscious as John’s airborne sedative worked through my system. As the inventor, he tried to make everyone at the Academy call it “John Juice,” and hated when it was referred to by the much cooler moniker of my own invention: “Sleepytime Spray.” As his lab partner in The Chemistry of Spycraft, I helped John a lot during the testing of his concoction, dressing provocatively, singing provocative songs, and otherwise distracting our fellow students so John could sneak up and thrust a (presumed) helium balloon with a rainbow on the side in their faces, and pop it. Of course, the balloons weren’t filled with helium at all, but with Sleepytime Spray. Once he had the sedation chemistry dialed in, he just had to find a different means of deployment, as everyone in the biz had come to fear balloons with rainbows. Obviously he’d settled on this disgusting saliva trigger.
But what John didn’t know was that I wasn’t Jason. I was Jason’s twin brother, practically a co-inventor of the wretched substance, and over our time developing it, I had cultivated a near-immunity to its effects. All I needed was one good dose of pain and I’d snap out of it. I slowly reached up and pulled my hair really hard.
“My vision is clear,” I told the inert Tessa. “In another moment I’ll be able to stand. Blink if you can hear me.”
But she did not blink.
bonus points for using them in order