“I Bet You’re Allowed to Use Proper Grammar”
“You’re going to have to prove it then, aren’t you?”
- in clumsy sentences
- third and last round of single combat
- the murder charges were dropped
- It’s just a cave.
Tune in next time part 108 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“I bet you’re allowed to use proper grammar,” Isolde chided me.
“I’m not so old,” I said, pouting.
Fleur leered. “You’re going to have to prove it then, aren’t you?”
Escape had seemed so close just a minute before, but this giddy nonsense was what I got instead. And they wanted me to demonstrate my youth in clumsy sentences. I’d have rather been facing the third and last round of single combat, rather have been pacing in a cell waiting to find out if the murder charges were dropped.
“Wet someone, corner. Listening.” I watched the women’s faces, and their bodyguards’, for glimmers. Jerking my head toward the eavesdropper, whose damp jeans were still plainly visible, jutting past the wall.
Isolde tilted her head, then looked in the right direction. She tittered. “Oh, him. Don’t worry about where he’s going. It’s just a cave.”
This remark doubled Fleur with laughter, and the bodyguards’ gas masks puffed out in time to the hollow, muted chortles they produced. Soon all four people from the ultrasound room were leaning on the walls and one another in helpless merriment.
Down the corridor, the lurker’s wet jeans withdrew from sight, replaced by a hand. The index finger curled in a universal sign of beckoning.
bonus points for using them in order