I Assumed YoYo
“the butterlike secretion”
- growing use of the current slang
- applied his forefinger to his forehead
- seems a bit hypocritical
- their nefarious schemes
Tune in next time part 450 Click Here for Earlier Installments
I assumed YoYo was just being spitefully dramatic, but she was serious about her disbelief in twins. I could only shake my head as she worked herself up into a rant about the myth of multiple births, spread by the ruling class to further their nefarious schemes.
“It seems a bit hypocritical of you to jump into bed with someone like me, if you’re so opposed to what the fat-cats are up to.”
“But don’t you see? I’m trying to liberate you from their clutches! Free you from your sham marriage. As for the whole ‘twins’ thing, that all dates back to a legend that says William Penn II applied his forefinger to his forehead while his concubine applied her forefinger to his foreskin. The wordplay is quite droll in the original, but sadly it doesn’t translate.”
My Olde High Contrarian was pretty good, actually, and I had read the legend of which she spoke. Hers sounded like a heretical interpretation to me. “Are you part of a faction?” I asked her. “Trying to convince high-ranking military officers to defect?”
She nodded, then shook her head, then shrugged. “Everybody’s part of a faction, when you come right down to it. I mean, there must be a faction that would have me, right?” She rambled some more about her ideology and I struggled to make sense of it. Her speech was rife with contradictions and peppered with unfamiliar figures of speech. At least she didn’t seem to join in the growing use of the current slang term “the butterlike secretion” to refer to any disagreeable political view.
I had to find out if there was anyone at Enigma Fortress I could trust. Including YoYo.
bonus points for using them in reverse order