Holy Ectoplasmic Residue!

Whilst chugging along on the final (which is to say, middle) installment planned for the Music Novels, we have also been making a lot of great progress developing the Ghost books.

We got to spend a bunch more hours in the Skelleymobile recently, which is not an environment conducive to typing but does lend itself nicely to brainstorming. There was also that time earlier this week when we had no choice but to dine out at Olive Garden (for, like, the third time ever), and while it’s a perfectly adequate restaurant in many ways, it too is a place that’s non-conducive to hammering out prose, yet works pretty well as a venue for a bizarre conversation about the roaming disembodied spirits of the no-longer alive. So we took advantage of that.

The last time we checked in about the Ghosts, everything was very preliminary. But now, the spectral apparition of a plot has begun to coalesce, plus a substantial portion of the cast actually have names! Really cool names, it must be said.

We work in trilogies, that’s just the rules, but this is the first time that we’re going to plot out the whole series before writing any of them. We’ve plotted two books in tandem before, but never three. It’s a little bit scary, even without considering the spooky subject matter.

A writing partner is someone to hold you when your novels go bump in the night.

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