“Hey Bruce!”
his gooey chocolate center
- giant ostrich egg
- joke with us, his accent bizarre
- trying to convince people of your awesomeness
- probably not normal
Tune in next time part 833 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“Hey Bruce!” my brother Jim yelled. “It’s probably not normal for you as a grown-ass man to be entering baby talent shows as a way of trying to convince people of your awesomeness. But it’s working!”
Bruce looked confused. I knew just how he felt. Growing up, my siblings and I never got used to Jim’s attempts to joke with us, his accent bizarre and obviously fake, the giant ostrich egg he named Egward and carried around in a bowling bag, his promises (threats?) to show us his gooey chocolate center. No one ever knew how seriously to take Jim, and that might work in my favor now. If he could keep Bruce Pamplemousse distracted, I might be able to get my children to safety.
“Let me and my brother join you on stage!” Jim added in an accent more mysterious than I had ever heard.
bonus points for using them in reverse order