we wish we had not so many clothes
- throngs of volunteers
- there was a guard
- brown hair and a mustache
- standing this time on her right foot
Tune in next time part 155 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“Heinrich!” I exclaimed.
Heinrich used his toe to flip his hat up off the ground. It landed neatly on his head. He glared at me. The last time I’d seen him he was in a very unpleasant situation involving his wife, a nasty jellyfish sting, and urine.
I smirked. “How’s Aphrodite?”
“Our marriage is over.” He shuddered. “After what I had to do to save her, there was no way for us to go on.”
“And Svetlana?” By the looks of his enormous gut, his contortionist mistress had resumed her residency underneath his aloha shirt.
“It is at her request that I am here,” Heinrich said. He began to unbutton his shirt, and then the one underneath it. “Sometimes,” he muttered, “we wish we had not so many clothes.”
There weren’t exactly throngs of volunteers eager to help him strip, that’s for sure. In the corner there was a guard, but he was studiously ignoring us.
Finally all the layers of Heinrich’s garments were peeled away, exposing Svetlana. She gracefully unfolded herself from her harness and stood between Heinrich and me, wearing only a pale pink leotard and balancing on her left foot. She stretched her right leg straight up by her head. This pose made it impossible to ignore her pregnant belly.
“I’m so glad we found you!” she cried. “I knew you’d be thrilled to hear that our little train rendezvous was a success!” She caressed her belly. “It’s going to have brown hair and a mustache, I just know it!”
I threw a glance at Heinrich, wondering how he felt about all this. He glared at me even harder before turning his attention back to Svetlana who was standing this time on her right foot.
“You’ll have to do just what we say,” Heinrich said, “or we’ll tell Fleur and her warlord father about Svetlana’s baby.”
Svetlana threw me an evil grin. “And we’ll tell Tessa, too!”
bonus points for using them in order