Harry Would Always Try Like Hell
try like hell to tailor
- it would look like a slump
- theoretical mathematical inherent possibility
- flight only smaller cats
- $2000
Harry would always try like hell to tailor his advice to the particular needs of the recipient.
“Fight only smaller cats,” he recommended to the scratched and bedraggled dachshund. Not fighting at all would generally be better advice, but a weiner-dog has to think about the standings. It would look like a slump if he didn’t notch any victories.
“Go for it,” he called up to the woman on the ledge. To the aghast bystanders all around, he said, “She might float down slowly and be fine. It’s a theoretical mathematical inherent possibility.”
Every time Harry’s prescription ran out, he enjoyed at least a day of such lucidity and wisdom. And to think, he thought, I spent $2000 on those pills!