“Give Them the Smallest Escape Pod”
I’ve grown to adore him
- often used to welcome distinguished guests
- ill-gotten origins
- tattoo with the word “warning” on her hip
- learned how to make explosives
Tune in next time part 729 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“Give them the smallest escape pod,” Fleur said. “The one those robots stole that one time.”
Before the guards escorted the newlyweds away, I said to Mother, “Why are you maintaining this charade of coupledom with John? We all know it’s just some ruse of yours to gain access to Fleur’s airship.”
“It may have started out that way, but I’ve grown to adore him.” Mother’s eyes sparkled as she spoke of her new husband. “He knows all the best bedroom moves, even those I often used to welcome distinguished guests to the White House, and ones with even more ill-gotten origins.”
I should have known better than to try to talk to her about this sort of thing.
John elbowed me jovially. “And I’ve always wanted a wife with a tattoo with the word ‘warning’ on her hip that she got when she learned how to make explosives out of feminine hygiene products. Keeps things interesting.”
“Move out,” I said to the guards. The quicker these two were off the zeppelin, the quicker my queasiness would abate.
bonus points for using them in order