Getting The Band Back Together

We’ve been in a critique group for years. If you don’t have one, you really should look into it. Feedback from fellow writers can be amazingly helpful, and in fact just hanging out with fellow writers feeds the soul on so many levels. And, the need to bring pages in for group can be a great motivator for those who work best under a deadline.

Obviously, meeting has been a challenge for the past year and a half. We set up a Zoom routine that’s helped us keep things rolling, and now that our members are all vaccinated we’re finally starting to talk about gathering in person again. It seems like that might take us a while to figure out, because we’re a klatch of writers and not a team of logistics experts. Meanwhile we can still do video meetings.

Writing with a partner is sort of like having a built-in critique group. Being able to sound out ideas and just converse with another person who gets it becomes baked-in as part of the process. Still, you need to try your work out on people who didn’t write it.

A writing partner is someone who makes sure you’re not on mute (and sometimes makes sure that you are).

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