For The Convenience of the Discerning Reader
Most of what we post here on the Skelleyverse are writing prompts. We have two generators (use the buttons above to try them out — they’re fun!) that provide the fodder for nearly all the prompts, especially our stichomancy generator.
We love doing prompts. Flash fiction, warm-up exercises, whatever you want to call them, they’re a lot of fun. Stress relief and inspiration in one.
For a little over a year, we’ve been alternating our prompts into a continuous narrative. All of these chain story prompts are tagged with Tune In Next Time. The tag does provide a way to get at all of them, but it’s not very reader-friendly because WordPress wants to put things in reverse chronological order.
Jen has come to your rescue, loyal readers, by setting up a consolidated list of links in non-reverse chronological order, so that it’s easy to read the whole thing and get caught up. (She also constructed the Dramatis Personae, to help you [and us] keep everyone straight.) The latest chain story installments will still show up on the front page, so you can stay up-to-date. It’s unlikely it’ll ever end, or that the protagonist’s name will ever be revealed, but in this topsy-turvy world all we can really say is anything can happen.