“For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow”
nice to see her happy again
- nothing to do with my sister being in the room
- in the august presence of rhombohedral crystals
- break in his young men slowly
- sang three little boys together
“For he’s a jolly good fellow,” sang three little boys together, in perfect, three-part harmony. The choirmaster liked to break in his young men slowly, which is why he started them off with such a banal tune. Later, in the august presence of rhombohedral crystals and all the other trappings of the pagan altar, they would face a much more difficult test of their nascent vocal talents. The choirmaster’s dedication to musical perfection had almost nothing to do with my sister being in the room, even though, as queen, she could order his execution at any moment. She has a soft spot for the choirmaster, and after all the troubles of last winter, it’s nice to see her happy again.
“Which nobody can deny!”
bonus points for using them in reverse order!