Fleur Might Have Genuinely Expected
and then BOOM. Kismet.
- lined up like dolls
- straight into my skull
- Everything I know about sloths
- a pervert’s omelet
Tune in next time part 838 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Fleur might have genuinely expected me to have this prize. Her grasp of reality could at times be that tenuous. More likely she just wanted to humiliate me. I looked furtively at Jim and Tessa, wondering if I could get anything suitable from either of them. But no. The combined contents of their pockets would be a pervert’s omelet and utterly inappropriate as a victory token in this venue.
I usually find that whatever predicament I’m facing can be solved by decoding it via one of the multitudinous ciphers I learned at the Academy. This time I was stuck. If I went haring around the airship in search of a prize, Fleur would hear of it and mock me savagely. I had to calmly produce an answer from where I sat.
I receded into a trance, making my mind receptive to the vibrations of the universe. It was another Academy skill, one which I’d used infrequently but with great success. Everything I know about sloths was beamed straight into my skull during such an episode, the facts all lined up like dolls on a shelf in my parietal lobe. (Some of what I know about sloths is rather unusual.)
I was losing control. My trance became a spiral, and then a centrifuge. I feared I would be flung into perpetual madness all for the lack of a trophy for an infant talent show. I had to admit that there was a certain poetry in such a fate befalling me. All seemed lost, and then BOOM. Kismet. The answer floated before me.
bonus points for using them in reverse order