Everyone In Town These Days
a family of ducklings and a baby seal
- Beatlemania epidemic
- “Fetch me another drinky-poo, won’t you dear?”
- fanciful scarves and costume jewelry
- blaming Mountain Dew
Everyone in town these days went around bedecked in fanciful scarves and costume jewelry. It was no worse than the Beatlemania epidemic from a few years ago, but it meant that Tristan didn’t fit in. As usual.
“Fetch me another drinky-poo, won’t you dear?”
“Sure, Uncle Milt.” Tristan slogged to the kitchen. The fabulousness disease somehow impaired everyone’s normal ability to get things for themselves. The cause was unknown, but for now Tristan was blaming Mountain Dew. Still, that’s what Uncle Milt wanted.
“Here you go.”
“Oh, you’re just as cute as a family of ducklings and a baby seal all rolled into one!”
Tristan knew it was meant as a compliment, but he was in no mood to take it gracefully.
“If you rolled them all into one, they wouldn’t be cute at all.”
This is why I don’t drink Mountain Dew.
That’s very wise. No one wants to spread the fabulousness disease.
I could use a drinky-poo, though, darling.