Even Though I Knew Full Well
chatter about conspiracy theories all day
- the size of a tiger’s
- People do.
- smells weird to me
- threw herself into my arms
Tune in next time part 730 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Even though I knew full well that Fleur wasn’t one to stand around and chatter about conspiracy theories all day, I was surprised by her disinterest in learning more about Mother’s schemes. After all, she knew full well that Mother had a nefarious side the size of a tiger’s litter box and twice as foul. Perhaps my wife had simply grown weary of combating my mother’s evil. People do. Even I sometimes just tried not to think about it.
With the engines restored, we were in stable flight again and executing a turn to leave enemy airspace. The brood was safe. In my happiness and relief, I leaned down to embrace Fleur. She didn’t hug me back, and whispered in my ear, “Go to your quarters and take a shower. Something about you smells weird to me.”
When I got to my suite, I gave myself a quick sniff and had to agree that my uniform was less than fresh. By the time I had shed the outfit I had to admit that it wasn’t just the uniform. I opened the bathroom door, and discovered I was not alone. A woman leaped out of the tub and threw herself into my arms.
bonus points for using them in order