Ed Attended the Matinee Performance
Ed combed the circus
- like dead men’s knuckles
- a boiled egg rolled away
- the unlucky and the morally dyslexic
- came up to his armpits
- a small pudgy thing with a huge curved bone
Ed attended the matinee performance of the Circus of the Unlucky and the Morally Dyslexic and had the misfortune to be pulled out of the audience by one of the clowns, a small pudgy thing with a huge curved bone through his nose, and a rainbow wig. The skit he was shanghaied into ended with the audience roaring, and Ed buried in a pile of food that came up to his armpits and soiled his new souvenir t-shirt while a boiled egg rolled away and was trampled by a miniature pony. Its crackling shell made a noise like dead men’s knuckles.
A female clown led Ed backstage to get cleaned up, and they began a passionate affair. Every evening after the final performance, Ed combed the circus girl’s hair in a display of affection.
Ha! Nice use of grooming behavior at the end there… ;)