“Easy, Pal”
shall find its way into the pockets
- twenty people on the lawn. With guns.
- lay upon his belly beside a limpid brook
- pull at me with her little hands
- spread by a bug sprayer
Tune in next time part 280 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“Easy, pal,” I said. “Nobody needs to get kicked.”
“Untrue! A remark not in accordance with the facts (read: a fib). Much kicking is needed, which you know full well, ere a farthing of my wealth shall find its way into the pockets of your taskmasters.”
“Who do you think I am?” I looked at Tesla, who hadn’t stirred. I hoped she was okay, but hoped she remained unconscious long enough to be spared the vile atmosphere of the sewer.
“Oh I know just who you are. You’re chemtrails. You’re Project Bluebook. You’re twenty people on the lawn. With guns.” He thrust out his palms. “In Dallas? The motorcade? That’s you.”
“Ah, guess you’re on to me,” I mumbled, hoping that humoring him would work better than arguing. “But that was a long time ago. People change.”
But he turned away from me on the boat ramp, and then, as though he lay upon his belly beside a limpid brook in a sun-drenched meadow, he lay on his belly on the slimy boat ramp and reached out over the surface of the filth to give the swan boat a shove.
Before I knew I had moved, I was airborne en route from my boulder to the ramp. In another bound I overflew the prostrate figure in the cloak and landed in the boat. My arrival jostled Tesla severely and imparted a considerable speed boost to our elegant vessel. I sat down and started pedaling. The propeller agitated the thick fluid we sailed through, liberating and invigorating the sulfurous fumes.
Some combination of the jostling and the horrid smell woke Tesla. She looked around, wild-eyed, and began to pull at me with her little hands. “Where are you taking me?”
“Um, back to the ramp? To get us out of this shit river?”
“But you don’t understand,” Tesla wailed.
“No argument about that.” I looked ahead and saw the man in the cloak was standing, brandishing something that looked like a wand. “Now what is he doing?”
Tesla gripped my arm. “Turn us around. Stay back! There’s nothing more potent than a magic spell spread by a bug sprayer!”
bonus points for using them in order