During the Later Stages of the Elbows Installation
at the bottom of the sea
- Every skin-diver and shrimp fisherman
- no sound disturbed his semiconsciousness
- later stages of the Elbows installation
- the speed of a middle-aged jogger
- you won’t be sorry
During the later stages of the Elbows installation, Hieronymus Warhol’s drug addictions overtook him with the speed of a middle-aged jogger training for her first marathon in poorly fitted shoes, and he would often slip into a trance-like state while on the job-site.
Every skin-diver and shrimp fisherman from the nearby wharf was called upon to shout salty profanities, and fling rocks and shells found at the bottom of the sea in an attempt to rouse the great artist and compel him to complete his pipe-cleaner masterpiece, but no sound disturbed his semiconsciousness.
When eventually he came back to consensus reality of his own volition, he looked at the curator with bleary eyes and croaked, “You won’t be sorry.”
Salty profanities, indeed!
Hero lives on…
Someone should make some good pipe-cleaner art…
There is more Boschtopian apocrypha coming up over the next few weeks. Be sure to check back to get your fix.
MMMM Boschtopian Apocrypha *stares into the middle distance and drools*