“Don’t Forget What a Beautiful Dance”
what a beautiful dance
- “And you treat me like this?”
- pretty like his mommy
- a completely sweet guy
- hate him more than I can even explain
Tune in next time part 550 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“Don’t forget what a beautiful dance the real estate agents choreographed to celebrate your crowning,” I said.
A spark shot out of the Tessabot’s left ear, followed by a whisp of smoke. She didn’t seem to have noticed it, but her mood changed very suddenly.
“We’re on our way to be married,” she growled. “And you treat me like this?”
“Darling,” I crooned, “maybe you should sit down for a moment.”
She threw her arms wide in a contemptuous gesture. “Oh, he’s great, they all tried to tell me. He’s pretty like his mommy and a completely sweet guy to boot. Pffft!” Her eyes locked onto mine. She took a menacing step in my direction. “I hate him more than I can even explain.”
bonus points for using them in order