“Does It Really Matter How Dead He Is?”
known to fancy folks as
- superglue and duct tape
- and (occasionally) laudanum
- laser-focused idiot
- eat Sour Patch Kids as cereal
Tune in next time part 858 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“Does it really matter how dead he is?” asked BimBam. “I don’t see how that matters to our plans.”
“Not to our plans, perhaps, but I have plans that don’t concern you. So mind your own business and tell me what you’ve learned.”
BimBam growled, but then said, “The airship’s outer hull is made of a material known to fancy folks as Ballooninium, but it’s just superglue and duct tape. The maintenance crew has a nine-hour rotation, and when they’re not on duty they overindulge in marshmallow peeps, Pop-Rocks, and (occasionally) laudanum. The chief engineer is a laser-focused idiot who likes to eat Sour Patch Kids as cereal.”
“And the cargo?”
Now the Iron Clown made a rumbling chuckle that I could feel in my bones.
“It’s right where you said it would be.”
bonus points for using them in order