“Do You Think We’re Robots”
a unique view
- “My mother makes them every day,” she whispered.
- couldn’t buy their silence
- where your imagination goes
- Looks like Russians
Tune in next time part 295 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“Do you think we’re robots, Tessa?” Jason lisped.
“That would be a unique view,” she replied, rising to her feet.
“Because that would be a mistake,” my brother added.
“It’s hilarious to hear you talk about mistakes,” Tessa said as she rounded on him. “My mother makes them every day,” she whispered. “But I never do.”
Both Tessa’s parents lived off the grid in defiance to Mother’s belief that we couldn’t buy their silence, so I didn’t know why Tessa would mention the woman now. My mind spun all sorts of doomsday scenarios. It’s amazing where your imagination goes when you’ve had the kind of day I’ve had.
Keeping a wary eye on Tessa I bent down and pretended to examine some footprints on the dusty floor. “Looks like Russians built this place,” I fibbed.
Tessa gasped. “Lyudmila? Or Svetlana?”
bonus points for using them in order