Do You Have Them Memorized?
Do you have them memorized?
- gravity tugging at her cheeks
- pale glow rippling above the strongman’s skin
- By the crossed eyes of the Jumbo!
- I am captured!
- as the animal disappeared
- great plaid bags of trousers
“Do you have them memorized?” Zelda asked Lorenzo, prompting him to glance up from her breasts in embarrassment. Decades of gravity tugging at her cheeks had made her countenance sorrowful and her pants ill-fitting, yet had somehow left her bosom unravaged.
Lorenzo lifted the tent flap to peer outside, and decided it was safe. But after two strides, a pale glow rippling above the strongman’s skin told of his miscalculation as he suddenly froze in place.
“By the crossed eyes of the Jumbo! I am captured!”
Zelda poked her head out of the tent and immediately saw the culprit: a force-projecting depantser, which she recognized by its vermilion tailfeathers as the animal disappeared into the forest. Lorenzo would be fine in a moment, but his pants were gone forever, added to the depantser’s hoard. As Lorenzo blushed, Zelda imagined the cave, filled with great plaid bags of trousers.
bonus points for using them in order!