Devlin du Mauvais Knew Himself to be a Very Attractive Man
perhaps a bit long and square-jawed
- unable to cause his larynx to make sound
- something as mundane as a monkey reflex
- through his half-open shirtfront
- “Welcome, gentlemen, to Sugarloaf Mountain.”
- next thing you’ll be hearing church bells
- with their passionate tornadoes of paper
Devlin du Mauvais knew himself to be a very attractive man, even if his hair was perhaps a bit long. And square-jawed masculinity never went out of style, he knew, but it did nothing to explain his skill as a black magician.
Devin’s sister Minerva grasped the throat of the dead man on the table, but no matter how hard she squeezed, she was unable to cause his larynx to make sound.
“Why does this carcass defy me!?” she demanded. “He should at least possess something as mundane as a monkey reflex, not just lay there inertly.”
“Sister, dear, calm down, or the next thing you’ll be hearing church bells ringing through your nerves and the men in white, with their passionate tornadoes of paperwork, will take you away again.”
Minerva took a deep breath, then she smiled seductively and tweaked Devlin’s nipple through his half-open shirtfront.
As they kissed, she ran her hand down to his erection and cooed, “Welcome, gentlemen, to Sugarloaf Mountain.”