Desdemona Smiled
but they still had logs enough
- this was a popular shrine
- the doorway of the weaving shed
- platters of root vegetables
- He is brisk in bed.
- the stick he was using
Desdemona smiled and gestured to her crotch. “This was a popular shrine when I was younger. Now the fickle young men prefer others. But they still had logs enough for my purposes in the house of the elders, I found.
“Take Igor for instance,” Desdemona said of her most recent suitor. “He is brisk in bed. The stick he was using, if you’ll pardon the expression, gave more pleasure than all the platters of root vegetables stacked in the doorway of the weaving shed for winter ever could. If you know what I mean.”
Desdemona! I think you’ve taken advantage of Igor’s simple nature.
Somehow I don’t think Igor minds.