Curse These Nanobots!
discovered I was married to a different person
- taste like “nature’s candy”
- Because I am my own worst enemy.
- make the “magic” happen?
- penmanship skills
Tune in next time part 919 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Curse these nanobots! I had to get rid of them before I lost any more memories, or discovered I was married to a different person in addition to the several I was already married to. Bjorn, or whoever it was behind the shower curtain, chuckled. “Anyone ever tell you that confusion looks good on you? It makes you look like you taste like “nature’s candy”, if you know what I mean.”
“Tell me what you mean,” I said. Because I am my own worst enemy.
“Why don’t you join me in the shower and we’ll make the “magic” happen?”
This dude spoke with so many air-quotes, he must be a native Colloquillian. I decided two could play at that game. “Will you show me your “penmanship skills?” I purred.
bonus points for using them “in order”