Chartreuse Pamplemousse Strode Into the Depths of the Honeymoon Suite

  • by Kentone spoonful of peanut butter at a time
  • oddly nonchalant about
  • like it was a curse word
  • rotator is a palindrome
  • “I never threatened him.”

Tune in next time part 644      Click Here for Earlier Installments

Chartreuse Pamplemousse strode into the depths of the honeymoon suite, trailed by a babbling Hildegard. Lenz, Spex, and Iris chose random furniture to slouch on. The old man toddled into the kitchenette and decided to see about blocking his arteries one spoonful of peanut butter at a time.

Which left me standing awkwardly with Dr Ferguson, trying to recall where I’d seen her before. She was oddly nonchalant about my nudity. “So, you’re an associate of Dr Pamplemousse?” I asked conversationally.

She made a loud, derisive “Tchuh!” noise. “Oh yes, I’m his associate.” She said the last part like it was a curse word. Then, pitching her voice low in a surprisingly good impression of Chartreuse, she said, “Better now? Or now? Read the smallest line that you can see.”

Hildegard’s father got his mouth unstuck long enough to announce that rotator is a palindrome, then dug up another spoonful.

One of the other three members of Chartreuse’s posse called across the room to Dr Ferguson. “Don’t forget that the doctor sees everything. He knows what you have planned.”

Dr Ferguson shrugged. “I never threatened him.”

In the tense silence that followed, I wondered if it might be time for me to find my clothes.

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