Cerise Surveyed the Interior of the Zeppelin Gondola
Character – ghost of a bartender
- Setting – zeppelin
- Object – used condom
- Situation – performance art
Cerise surveyed the interior of the zeppelin gondola with some amusement. This was going to be her best installation yet.
Of course, the zeppelin itself symbolized the hopes and wishes of an earlier, less ironically self-aware society. Once its interior was wallpapered with used condoms collected through a year’s worth of dumpster-diving and hard, artistic sex, it would sing. Cerise couldn’t wait to get started.
She hauled the crate of prophylactics up the stairs and set it heavily on the bar. She hoped she had enough staples in the staple gun.
“Remember not to puncture any of the reservoir tips,” she said to herself.
Her words echoed slightly before settling to the floor, and were replaced by a soft scuffing from behind the bar.
Mice would add a certain je ne sais quoi to the statement she was trying to express, so Cerise wasn’t too worried.
“What’ll it be, lady?” came a raspy whisper.
Cerise startled and then saw a vaporous human form behind the bar. He was dressed in a vest and bow-tie, with his shirtsleeves pushed up to his elbows. He shimmered and wavered as he went through the motions of polishing a glass.
“Damn!” said Cerise. “This completely overshadows the complex interplay of hope, death, globalism, and ecology I was going for!”