Guy Could See Where This Was Going
Character – French circus performer
- Setting – dead end
- Object – infant
- Situation – truth or dare
Guy could see where this was going.
He cut to the left, pedaling frantically and veering around stacks of boxes in the narrow alleyway. At least they might conceal him. As he guided the unicycle past an old metal drum full of some loathsome fluid, he saw that concealment would be his only salvation. Dead end.
He became still as a statue, balancing flawlessly as only a lifetime of this sort of thing can teach one to do, as his pursuers thundered by on the main street.
He heard a squeal of brakes, and a door opening. He hoped the babe in the basket atop his head would stay asleep. The car chasing him had been small, but it held many clowns.
It is not good to have so many secrets, Guy thought. Always, in the future, I will say, “Truth.”