Brandita Wasn’t Her Real Name
What is the good of the love of a woman when her name must needs be Delilah?
- learned how to play the accordion
- ravaged by scurvy
- like an eggshell
- color combination was a bold one
Tune in next time part 569 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Brandita wasn’t her real name, of course. She’d changed it after a failed teenage romance at the Academy when her callous beau said, “What is the good of the love of a woman when her name must needs be Delilah?” He was an ass, but Delilah took his proclamation to heart. She started calling herself Brandita, learned how to play the accordion, joined up with a band of pirates (the musical kind of band — she had no interest in going to sea where she might be ravaged by scurvy), and got her new name tattooed on her neck, colorfully, like an eggshell on Easter. The tattooist was either colorblind or high, because the color combination was a bold one. I hadn’t seen her in years, not since I baroquely insulted her given name so we would break up and I could pursue Tessa.
Could I trust her not to hold a grudge? And who was the fellow in the sidecar?
bonus points for using them in order