Brady’s Use of the Glassblower’s Code
croak out a honking little cry
- his subtle middle finger
- “Get him!”
- Were they plotting against me?
- “Go! GO!”
Tune in next time part 511 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Brady’s use of the Glassblower’s Code startled me so thoroughly that all I could do was croak out a honking little cry of surprise. I tried to pass it off as a reaction to the nurse’s not-so-tender ministrations. Brady signaled me further with his subtle middle finger (not in the way you’re imagining). The message he conveyed was that there were enemies all around and their orders were merely “Get him!” — meaning me. I looked at the nurse, who was busy undoing the many buttons of my mountaineering uniform’s vest, and the bear. Were they plotting against me? Was the bear not really a bear?
“I only have a moderate understanding of weather control devices, from tinkering with my brother’s,” I said, warily watching the nurse and the bear. “I’ll be fine for casual bluffing, but if Scrim asks any detailed questions, I’ll be out of my depth.”
Brady merely shrugged. Perhaps he wasn’t passing signals after all. Perhaps he was just weird.
“No weather control devices that I’m aware of use etching paste,” I added.
Brady twitched his right ring finger, which if he was using the Shadow Puppeteer’s Cypher would mean, “Go! GO!” But nothing about his demeanor suggested urgency.
Should I let the nurse continue to undress me, or make a break for it?
bonus points for using them in order