Brady Grabbed My Arm
my last chance to win the woman I loved
- NSFW reindeer games
- tapping impatiently upon the polished surface
- woman was identified as “Brandita”
- in a guttural sing-song
Tune in next time part 568 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Brady grabbed my arm. “You think I’m gonna just let you run off on me, again?”
I glanced at Tessa, whose impatient lurking was losing what little subtlety it ever had. This felt like my last chance to win the woman I loved, even if it was really just a lark with her robotic facsimile.
I yanked my arm free. “Yeah, Brady. I think that’s exactly what you’re going to do.” I jogged over to the Tessabot and she fell into step beside me as we vamoosed from the wedding reception.
“Did you notice the ninjas?” she asked casually. I shook my head. “There was one in the punchbowl, and of course the cake was a disguise. These are shadow warriors, not shadow bakers. All the sylistic hallmarks of the Ninja Society for Furtive Warfare, and I think they might have been hazing new members.”
“You know, I’m just as happy that I missed out on those NSFW riendeer games.” I had to lengthen my stride to keep up with the tireless Tessabot. She still seemed keyed up, even in the strange mechanical sounds she made when she ran, like there was an officious little ballpoint pen tapping impatiently upon the polished surface of the inside of each of her kneecaps.
We were running down a gravel drive that curved through a grove of enormous trees, and as we rounded the last part of the bend we came upon a motorcycle with a sidecar blocking our path. A man sat in the sidecar, a woman astride the bike. The woman was identified as “Brandita” by her neck tattoo. She revved the engine, its blasting noise like a cannonade delivered in a guttural sing-song.
“Need a lift?” Brandita’s companion asked.
bonus points for using them in order