Blaine Approached the Tennis Court
in small gold letters
- five minutes or an hour
- your love was just a game
- “Let him speak!”
- so weak and emaciated
Blaine approached the tennis court bleachers where Lucille sat with her gaggle of girlfriends, watching the match. She saw him coming and stood to leave, but Gertrude grabbed her by the elbow and said, “Let him speak!”
It mattered not if he spoke for five minutes or an hour, Blaine knew he had no hope of winning her back, so he read the speech he had prepared ahead of time which was printed in small gold letters on an index card and cupped in the palm of his left hand. “Your love was just a game, Lucille, like tennis, and I so weak and emaciated from the nonstop playing of it that I could not help but lose.”
And with what little dignity he still possessed, he turned and strode away, leaving Gertrude and the others all awhisper.