Translation: feed me or I eat the cat.
- which contains the key-hole
- Why are rich people like this?
- they wanted a dead body
- evil influence of Uranus
Tune in next time part 798 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“Bingo,” the tall, lightly polarized man said. “Here’s the message: trapezoidal zoology ferments pawprint neckerchiefs.”
To an ordinary person, that sounded like a password generator having a stroke. But I recognized it as an example of the Anarchy Code. Translation: feed me or I eat the cat. Which was, hopefully, another code. It had to be one that Jason and Lyudmila cooked up together, and I had no idea how, in this case, her twisted brain — which contains the key — would try to communicate with my twin’s twisted brain — which contains the key-hole.
“So, now you’ll let us go, right?” asked the tall man.
I winced.
“I knew it!” he said. “I knew you’d screw us over. Why are rich people like this?”
What made him think Jason was rich? His #1 ranking might sound impressive, but most wedding-goers wanted a rapper in the ceremony as much as they wanted a dead body in place of a cake.
“I know why, actually,” Tallness went on. “It’s the evil influence of Uranus. You think us normals don’t know about that, but we see it!”
bonus points for using them in order