Being In That Room
wore better clothes than I
- philandering with Vera
- too late for lemonade, too early for whiskey
- briny blue expanse
- most terrifying place on Earth
Tune in next time part 674 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Being in that room with the Toboggan Club inspired many feelings. Conceited pride was in there, I must confess, but also a measure of chagrin at my own promiscuity. Also swirling in my heart were the emotions attached to each of the women themselves, which varied from wistfulness to affection to abject terror. And under all of it there was some anxiety about whether the vessel could remain aloft under the combined weight of all my baby-mamas. And all the babies!
Considering how many sources of pee, poop, and spit-up were present, the women wore better clothes than I would have chosen. Fancier ones, anyway. Someone I didn’t recognize cruised past, eyeing me malevolently over the curly hair of the toddler on her hip. Fleur caught my baffled look, and it made her laugh. “You don’t even remember philandering with Vera, do you?”
I looked at the woman again, and shook my head. “Are you sure all these ladies are on the level? Because I think I would recall Vera.”
The zeppelin began to move, and Fleur recited, “When it’s too late for lemonade, too early for whiskey, then it’s time to fly home.” She shrugged. “It rhymes in the original Contrarian dialect.”
I looked out the windows at the briny blue expanse beneath the airship. Had she just said “fly home”? If it was home to her, then to me it was the most terrifying place on Earth.
bonus points for using them in order