Back in the Banquet Hall
“Yeah we could, I know we could.”
- with a butterfly garden
- of the more risque variety
- nothing wrong with eating cake barefoot
- unexpectedly racy
Tune in next time part 564 Click Here for Earlier Installments
Back in the banquet hall, I took my seat beside Tessa before I remembered that I was no longer wearing the Arlo disguise. All the noises in the room — the clinking of silverware on china, the murmur of conversation, the slurping of cheap champagne — died away.
“I’m about to do my set,” I told her, knowing everyone in the place could hear me. “You and your new hubby couldn’t take off on your honeymoon without letting me serenade you.”
She blinked robotically and said, “Yeah we could, I know we could.”
“Don’t be a party-pooper,” I lisped, reaching for her hands. “Come up on stage.”
She put up only token resistance as I drew her over to the raised performance area, which as per Svenborgian tradition was fitted with a rostral column and also with a butterfly garden of the more risque variety. The Tessabot had slipped out of her shoes, and she reached back for one last morsel of the awful cake. Normally I would say there’s nothing wrong with eating cake barefoot, but this stuff was a culinary crime.
We stood under the flower arch together, and butterflies alighted on our heads. I studied their wing patterns up close, and what I saw was unexpectedly racy.
bonus points for using them in order