As The Mumu Princess
May your rod soften!
- perhaps a seal
- now she was all sweet decorum
- the Mumu princess came down
- where the clumped kelp grew
- upon one elbow
As the mumu princess came down the church aisle, Lola the wedding planner admired her fanciful wedding gown, especially where the clumped kelp grew upon one elbow in the shape of an aquatic mammal — perhaps a seal, perhaps a sea lion.
It was a miracle they’d gotten the stubborn girl out of her mumus. Lola and her staff had earned their money there. With the help of the bride’s own father they’d convinced her something dressier than a flowing, shapeless robe was called for.
The mumu princess was furious with her father for interfering. She’d even yelled, “May your rod soften!” which seemed to Lola a wholly inappropriate insult to hurl at one’s father.
The mumu princess’s anger cooled eventually, she acquiesced, and now she was all sweet decorum.
Lola wished her new husband luck.