As Setsuko Approached
show her how to spin it
- odor unfaded since the autumn
- it was a weather balloon
- sound all fancy-pants cyberpunk
- that’s my butt
Tune in next time part 177 Click Here for Earlier Installments
As Setsuko approached, I backed up a step. When the rogue mime got a look at the Tessa-bot’s mangled remains she gasped.
“Hey, that’s my butt tattoo!” she barked. “What’s it doing on Tessa?”
I know that rainbow-spewing unicorns don’t sound all fancy-pants cyberpunk, but the way this one was rendered, with the unicorn’s chrome sheen and a circuitry pattern worked into the rainbow, it had a distinct William Gibson vibe. I had a hard time imagining it on Setsuko’s hindquarters. Not an unpleasant time, mind you, but difficult.
I shook my head, trying to clear it of the thought of Setsuko naked, but that thought refused to stay submerged. It was a weather balloon of impropriety that kept rising up through the strata of my mind, bouncing around through my personal stratosphere, making it impossible for me to think of anything else. It invaded all of my senses, burning behind my eyelids, ringing in my ears, filling my nose like petrichor, an odor unfaded since the autumn rains quenched my lonely, parched summer.
It didn’t matter that Setsuko was dangerous. I’d had a crush on her as long as I could remember.
While I stood there, gobsmacked, imagining the day I could give her a hula hoop and show her how to spin it (hopscotch wasn’t the only thing I learned at the Academy, after all), she snatched the capacitor from my hand and aimed it at me.
It was drained, or so I thought.
bonus points for using them in reverse order