“Are You Telepathic?”
and feeling for a zipper
- and a felt hat like a helmet
- Are you telepathic?
- Better than getting drunk!
- the finest esprit de corps the world has ever known
- Also 50 yards of extension cord
“Are you telepathic?”
“No, why do you ask?”
“Because if you were, I wouldn’t have to waste time speaking aloud. But, unless you’re hiding your true abilities behind a bland denial, I suppose speech is going to be necessary.”
“Does anyone ever say yes?”
“One man did once, and elderly fellow with a bow tie and a felt hat like a helmet. I thought about cars at him, and he stumbled away swearing and feeling for a zipper. So I think he was lying.”
“How about you? Can you read minds?”
“Sometimes. Better than getting drunk! But I need two live doves to make it work. Also 50 yards of extension cord.”
Telepaths have the finest esprit de corps the world has ever known.
“I quite agree.”
I am terrified for those doves… also, for the extension cord….
He doesn’t sound all that stable, so I’d be worried about any pets he had. Especially when he insists on having electric current available.
It’s so cute when you talk about yourself in the third person.