“Are You Referring”
“It’s mostly one-sided.”
- kisses a human woman
- he shook it twice
- caveman eroticism
- No toilets!
Tune in next time part 880 Click Here for Earlier Installments
“Are you referring to the tentacle-mutant shadow warrior project?” Fleur asked in a flat tone. “Please. They pose no danger to Contraria or its allies.”
She had to be lying. Contraria has no allies.
“Who else takes part in this so-called alliance?” I asked.
“It’s mostly one-sided.”
I had to chuckle. That’s the punchline to an old Contrarian joke about a goblin who kisses a human woman — only she’s really just a statue. I knew Fleur had chosen the phrasing knowingly, so I said, “You saying you feel like the goblin’s wife?”
“I should be so lucky. After the goblin kissed that ‘lady’ he shook it twice. That’s more caveman eroticism than I’ve had from you in years.”
Small Dennis interrupted us, exclaiming “No toilets!”
I turned toward his outburst and found him holding one of the toilets in his hands, the other one lying on its side. They were both made of styrofoam.
bonus points for using them in order