Anna Switched Off the Rerun of Gilligan’s Island
Character – Anna Graham
- Setting – Gilligan’s Island
- Object – handgun
- Situation – attic full of surprises
Anna switched off the rerun of Gilligan’s Island and stood at the bottom of the stairs. From behind the closed attic door came an incessant whirring noise. What was Telly up to now?
“Hey, Anna,” he shouted down to her. “Come on up! I have something incredible to show you!”
Anna sighed. Telly was always convinced that his latest invention was going to solve all their financial problems, but so far he hadn’t gotten a single patent. Anna slowly climbed the 12 stairs and opened the door.
“Surprise!” Telly yelled. He flipped the lights off and on several times and beamed at her. He wore his ratty t-shirt with the picture of the hand gun on it, surrounded by all the roses.
“Yes?” she asked.
“This will put Telly Graham Labs on the map!” he said, waving some sketches at her.
Anna glanced at the papers, but could not decipher them.
“What is it?” she asked. “And what is that sound?”
“Oh, that’s the cold fusion reactor. I need to figure out a way to cut down on the noise before I market it. But look at this! This is it! We’ll be rich!”
“Telly, honey, I can’t understand it.”
“It’s an in-the-peel orange juicer! We’ll be rich!”