An Expensive Snakeskin Jacket and a Notoriously Bad Memory
on her face and neck
- “Look at that thing, man.”
- strange suction-cup-shaped marks
- sees my face
- nickname was Cookie
Tune in next time part 497 Click Here for Earlier Installments
An expensive snakeskin jacket and a notoriously bad memory? There was only one person John could think he was talking to, my brother Troy. Troy, whose nickname was Cookie, looked exactly like his twin Trent, but he didn’t look much like me. “As soon as John sees my face and its total lack of strange suction-cup-shaped marks, he’ll know I’m not Troy,” I thought. “Or Trent for that matter, but Trent is known for his exceptionally sharp memory and his ludicrously expensive but little-worn crocodile skin jacket. It’s easy to tell them apart.” Worse than John discovering that he was not talking to Troy would be having John discover he was not talking to Troy by discovering the real Troy. I needed a distraction so I could get away from John and observe from a distance.
“Look at that thing, man.” I pointed to a woman on the other side of the cavern with a large tattoo on her face and neck. When John turned away, I ducked under the buffet table. And none too soon. Almost immediately a pair of bare feet approached, sticking out of white yeti pants.
“Why are we bothering to bid on Jim?” Troy asked. He didn’t even try to do a yeti voice.
John’s voice was exasperated. “We just talked about this! Your memory is a shambles!”
bonus points for using them in reverse order