All This Attention from Mr Carousel
when I used to ride a motorcycle
- tequila anyhow
- imagine a new color
- biggest mittens he could find
- Nepotism!
Tune in next time part 691 Click Here for Earlier Installments
All this attention from Mr Carousel reminded me of when I used to ride a motorcycle. I was approached weekly by talent scouts, people who would offer me anything my heart desired if only I would sign on with the Asphaltcapades. They made so many promises: Bathtubs full of champagne! (Or tequila anyhow.) A new bike in any color I could imagine, a new color for my leathers, too. One particularly odd fellow offered to buy me the biggest mittens he could find if I would only sign a contract. I turned them all down, just as I was trying to turn down Mr Carousel.
“I’ve got to check on my brother,” I said, gesturing at the blue panda. Jim was trying to undo the child safety lock on his big blue head.
“Nepotism!” cried Mr Carousel. “I love it! That’s the perfect theme for your routine!”
bonus points for using them in order