Aarto Hammersmith Was a Tall Norwegian Man
a pair of filthy feet
- an enormous cantilevered balcony
- a bin of oval fish
- On a sailboat?
- Free-Range Antelope Chops
- a tall Norwegian
Aarto Hammersmith was a tall Norwegian man with blond hair, bright blue eyes, and a penchant for sailing inherited from his viking forefathers. Standing on the prow of a ship made Aarto feel like he had discovered an enormous cantilevered balcony over the fjords of his homeland.
When the ship docked in Tokyo harbor it took on several passengers and a bin of oval fish of a type Aarto had never seen before. Intrigued, he tracked down the owner of the bin to ask what the odd oval fish were called. He found her sitting on the deck, dangling a pair of filthy feet through the railing. They were, in fact, her own feet, which was good news to Aarto because she was gorgeous: a beautiful Japanese marine biologist named Hiromi Sakai. They spent the afternoon together talking fish and falling in love. That night at dinner Hiromi, explaining that she never ate the fish she adored, ordered Free-Range Antelope Chops.
Antelope chops? thought Aarto. On a sailboat?
Does the serving of antelope chops on a sailboat count as a culinary crime, do you think?
Yes, I do. But it’s only punishable by a fine.