A Sharp Rat-A-Tat-Tat
iconic metallic wardrobe
- and last, but not least, Dr Ferguson
- mermaid-themed birthday parties
- in many a hipster coffee shop
- just because you like to destroy
Tune in next time part 643 Click Here for Earlier Installments
A sharp rat-a-tat-tat on the door snapped me out of my reverie. I looked up from the note to see the door swing inward, and Chartreuse Pamplemousse strode into the honeymoon suite. I recognized him as much by his iconic metallic wardrobe as by his trademark goggles. An entourage of ophthalmological sycophants rushed in after him and stood in a semicircle at his side.
“I’m sure you all know my crew,” Chartreuse announced. “Spex, Lenz, Iris, and last, but not least, Dr Ferguson, my protégé.”
The bunch of them looked like the henchmen of some Batman villain who specialized in swindling children at mermaid-themed birthday parties. I’m sure you’ve seen people dressed like them in many a hipster coffee shop, but it was startling to see so many all gathered together on a team.
“Chartreuse!” Hildegard shrieked in delight. She ran to him, arms outstretched, but he deflected her with raised palm.
“Just because you like to destroy your own clothes with butterscotch pudding doesn’t mean I’ll let you destroy mine. Even if we are, apparently, now married.” He turned to me. “And us, too, I take it.”
“It wasn’t my idea,” I said. “None of this was my idea.”
Meanwhile I kept my eye on Dr Ferguson. There was something about her that was incredibly familiar.
bonus points for using them in order