A Moment Of Clarity
tastes like sock dirt
- one thing I absolutely hate in relationships is banal chitchat
- his very fancy castle
- lick peanut butter off your nipples
- It’s a tax thing.
Tune in next time part 818 Click Here for Earlier Installments
A moment of clarity came over me. I realized that Petit Julien was never going to stop chasing us as long as we were running away. The dynamics of the situation would have to change. And then I saw what I had to do. Sometimes you take your medicine, even if it tastes like sock dirt, and this was one of those times.
I stopped winking and turned to face the menacing mega-mime. I let him close the distance between us, dimly aware that Jim and Tessa were shrieking at me to move. When Petit Julien was only a dozen strides away, I directed my gaze at the hideous statuary. I silently acted out my terror at the sight of those forms, using the art of mime against their king.
It worked. Petit Julien couldn’t miss a cue, so he did a dutiful double-take as if noticing the nightmare sculptures for the first time. Maybe he was. But what he didn’t count on was the illusion of movement that those statues possessed. He dramatically passed out from fright, keeling over on the spot.
I rejoined my companions, dusting off my hands. Jim asked, “Are there lady mimes? Cuz one thing I absolutely hate in relationships is banal chitchat, which I reckon wouldn’t be much of a problem with a mime.”
“You should set up a dating profile,” Tessa told him. “Your bio would say you’re a mad poet who lives all alone in his very fancy castle and needs a companion.”
“Uh-huh,” Jim said, nodding. “Come for a visit and I’ll lick peanut butter off your nipples. But you can’t make a sound! It’s a tax thing.”
“We should not be here when Petit Julien comes to,” I said. “Let’s find the nearest exit.”
bonus points for using them in order