A List of Tessa’s Sisters
knows less than nothing about Norway
- Oh, it’s too confusing
- hovered overhead
- my mouth is poison
- on the rest of her body
Tune in next time part 363 Click Here for Earlier Installments
A list of Tessa’s sisters sprang into my mind, complete with little facts about each that might help me identify which of them I was currently engaged in intercourse with. Was it Tara, who hates cheese? Tanya, who can’t spell worth a damn? Perhaps Taylor, who sings like a banshee, or Tallulah, who knows less than nothing about Norway? Or was this in fact Tesla, the sister who was less-than-adept at oil painting?
“Oh, it’s too confusing!” I cried.
“It’s anything but confusing,” my partner assured, and she showed me what she meant while Inimical hummingbirds hovered overhead. And she was right, it was all quite simple when you left the mental aspects out and concentrated on the physical. I gave up caring, and tried to kiss her, but she pulled away.
“My mouth is poison,” she murmured. “One taste would kill you.”
I ignored her mouth and planted kisses on the rest of her body, whichever sister she was.