Come Into Our Parlor

Welcome to the Writing Cave!

We finished redecorating ages ago, moved in, and got busy cluttering up the joint. Stacks of paper seem to multiply overnight, like the Writing Cave is their breeding ground. This week we put on our big kid pants and did some long-overdue filing. That led to a full-on cleaning, and now things look pretty darn good.

There won’t be a better time to document the room where we spend so much time, so here we go.

Clockwise from upper left:

  • Jen’s desk with her amazing chair, Mr Sexycheckers
  • the ravenĀ andĀ printer stand
  • Kent’s desk with his as-yet-unnamed chair
  • the magnet wall, credenza, and Kent’s lightsaber collection
  • Kent’s shelf, featuring Greenlandic beer bottles, Rush Funko Pop, signed, framed XKCD comic, and a really creepy branch we found on a walk
  • Jen’s shelf, featuring White Stripes Funko Pops and Legos, a Bulgarian street sign, and a bottle of black sand from a beach in Iceland

A writing partner is someone who shares (or at least tolerates) your design sensibilities.

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