The Last Time I Saw Isolde
lantern-jawed hero
- vinyl purse full of Jell-O
- brought these two miscreants aboard
- leprechauns are land-based organisms
- make him look and sound positively ridiculous and dainty beyond belief
Tune in next time part 735 Click Here for Earlier Installments
The last time I saw Isolde was at Enigma Fortress, right after she’d given birth to a large number of babies. I never did manage to get an accurate count before I had to leave my post to venture into the caves beneath it. If she didn’t know who these children’s father was, they must not be from that magnificent brood we’d somehow created together. But she was right, they were probably mine. I wondered who their mother was.
Isolde sighed in frustration. “Act like the lantern-jawed hero and answer me! Don’t just sit there like a vinyl purse full of Jell-O. Time is of the essence. I didn’t see who brought these two miscreants aboard the zeppelin. I think they might be spies.”
“Spies?” I cried. “That’s ridiculous. They look barely old enough to walk.”
“I’ll just put them in the tub and we’ll see. If they float, then they must be leprechauns, and are therefore spies disguised as babies.”
“Hang on, hang on!” I said. This bathtub was crowded enough already. “First of all, leprechauns are land-based organisms. And second, what if they don’t float? I can’t let you try to drown innocent babies.”
Isolde shook her head and addressed her sister. “Fleur, I can’t believe your husband. His bizarre opinions and all the bubbles make him look and sound positively ridiculous and dainty beyond belief.”
Fleur just chuckled and licked the cheese.
bonus points for using them in order